The hit Japanese anime show Bleach provides us with yet another sword to bring to your attention: a katana inspired by one of the show’s main Soul Reapers, Lieutenant Renji Abarai.
The katana probably best represents Renji’s character due to its crimson overtones. In the series, Renji’s red ponytail sets him apart from the rest, and since the sword features a red handle along with a red scabbard and cord, it’s safe to say that the character references are more than fitting.
The Renji blade is made from quality 440 stainless steel and measures 26 inches, bringing the entire sword to 41 inches in length.
The katana’s metal guard is inspired by Renji’s upper body tattoos in the series. Its modernized square design is covered in markings that greatly resemble the tribal patterns for which Renji is so well recognized.
If you look closely at the folds on the sword, you can tell that it’s been factory sharpened which might be a downside for battle-ready sword collectors. However, the lesser quality sharpening makes it more affordable, and it’s still just as fine for display or cosplay use.
Find this Bleach Sword: