This is the final sword of Bleach’s Ichigo, named Tensa Zangetsu, found on the Bleach anime series. Collectors really like to comment on its reserved design. Normally, Bleach swords in their final form have a lot of flair and decor, whereas the Tensa sword is the opposite. So they prefer to call it “compressed” power.
The sword has a trademarked black-and-red motif, with a guard in the shape of a traditional manji. The blade is constructed from high carbon black steel, full-tang, and factory-sharpened for a somewhat higher quality display.
The biggest feature of this sword is the chain tassel. Originally, the Tensa Zangetsu sword came with a cloth tassel, but that’s been replaced with an edgier chain link on the pommel.
Another important point to note is that there are actually many Tensa swords floating around out there: same design, different lengths. The most common model is a standard katana measuring 37.5 inches overall. But the one you see here features an extra-long blade of 50 inches, and an overall length of 68 inches. And it’s a lot harder to find, too, making this “extended version” a rarer collector’s item than its original katana counterpart.