Strictly for fans of the movie series, this 40.5″ closed and 57″ fully extended martial arts style staff would be very awkward on the Appalachian Trail. It would be a help if one bladed end fully collapsed into the shaft, but both points are permanently out, extended or not. All metal construction and stainless steel blades give it an interesting look, but the openwork spear points lack the strength needed for real use, even on a sparring level. For costume applications or as a collector’s item, this fantasy weapon is better suited.
In the unlikely event that someone would wish to learn a martial arts system appropriate to this alien inspired weapon, techniques could be acquired from established routines like Shaolin staff or long spear, but a double ended spear may be better adapted to other humanoid forms with more arms than we have. Eyes in the back of the head would be a help, as well as a tough chitinous shell.
For the rest of us, it’s a bit awkward, not quite heavy enough to be an efficient blunt weapon and with too many sharp edges pointing in inefficient directions. Even using this as a costume accessory you may stab yourself in the foot.
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