Many different collectible weapons have surfaced from the popular Japanese anime show Naruto. This is the Kusanagi, wielded by the Sannin Orochimaru. The Kusanagi is more commonly known as a grass cutter sword, so you may see it listed as such.
This sword is popularized mainly by Naruto’s “emo kid” Sasuke. His cold, yet empathetic, personality is accurately portrayed in this dual-toned replica sword, especially considering the squared-off edges that give it a modern, edgy feel.
The blade of the Kusanagi is made from 440 stainless steel, factory sharpened, and features full tang construction into the handle. It measures 27 inches, while the sword as a whole measures 40 inches in length.
Both the handle and scabbard are made from genuine hardwood, painted in vividly contrasting black and white hues that match the decoration of the Kusanagi’s blade. A red bubble identical to the Naruto anime series is featured on the handle as well.
As far as factory-sharpened, full tang stainless steel swords are concerned, Sasuke’s Kusanagi is one of the best deals you’ll find. Its durable craftsmanship should outlast basic wear and tear, and its visual appeal is sure to strike up many a conversation.
Find Sasuke’s Grass Cutter Sword from Naruto: