Many amateur chef’s are intimidated by knife sharpening. While unafraid to tackle a dinner party for twelve, they’ve been told that knife sharpening should be done by a professional.
And yet, sharpening doesn’t have to be scary. It requires some time, some practice, and some attention to detail but, as a devout cook, none of that should be new to you.
And if you’ve invested in Shun Knives, you’ve got some of the best knives around. Keep them sharp with this waterstone and they’ll treat you right pretty much forever.
This is a traditional Japanese whetstone with the added bonus that it features two sides — one for refining and polishing, the other for honing.
Shun’s single-bevel design lends itself nicely to home resharpening and you really can’t do too much damage with this stone.
Shun, of course, offers mail-order resharpening at their US distribution center so, if you get in trouble, you can call on them to bail you out!