This is a replica of the last sword issued by the US Navy. A cutlass design, it’s often referred to as a “pirate sword” due to the sweeping cup and hilt design. This saber was issued to sailors from 1917 until the mid-1940’s. In 1949, it was officially made obsolete by the Navy. It had replaced the previous standard issue, a fifty-seven year old model designed in 1960.
The Cold Steel company has been making these replicas to be true militaria collector’s items. It’s an exact copy of an original, featuring the signature twenty-five inch, sweeping blade, as well as a guard made of eighteen gauge, #1055 carbon steel.
All components have been specially treated to resist rusting. The handle is just shy of five inches and is made of sculpted hardwood. It is secured to the base with heavy brass rivets.
The sheath is a leather scabbard made of high-quality leather with brass and copper fittings. The sword weighs 33.7 oz.
Model # is 88CS.